City Council Voting on Blanket Rezoning

What is blanket rezoning?
On April 22, 2024 the City of Calgary council will vote on changing existing residential zoning to one universal zoning designation (R-CG), resulting in the blanket rezoning of the entire city. No zoning changes will take place without council approval.
What does this mean for Westgate?
Our community is primarily zoned as RC-1 – single family homes, with several RC-1 S (single family home with a secondary suite) properties as well as some RC-2 properties (dual dwellings such as a duplex). A blanket rezoning would enable the redesignation of RC-1, RC-1 S or RC-2 properties to R-CG. Essentially this means a residential lot in Westgate would be rezoned to allow for the building of 4 units, each with a secondary suite which is up to 8 residences. Limited parking may be provided in the new development, but is not a requirement. RCG properties utilize the City’s Waste Management services, which would result in up to 12 additional bins in the laneway.
Currently any existing properties in Westgate that would like to change to a different zone such as changing from RC-1 to RC-2, would have to submit an application to the City of Calgary. This would start a period of review ending with the Individual Public Hearing in front of City Council. If blanket zoning is passed, applicable requests would be passed without needing to go before council in a public hearing.
R-CG properties can be built in several different configurations such as:
- Two duplexes, one of front edge of property and one on the back edge with a small outdoor courtyard in the middle. Duplexes may or may not include secondary suites (up to 8 separate residences)
- Row Housing – with or without secondary suites (up to 8 separate residences)
- Single duplex – with or without secondary suites (up to 4 separate residences)
- Single family home – with or without secondary suite (up to 2 residences)
In an effort to address the current housing affordability crisis, blanket rezoning was recommended in the Home is Here: City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy 2024-2030
Your Westgate Community Association will do its best to keep you informed as we learn more. For more information visit the City of Calgary’s Rezoning for Housing and Blanket Rezoning Information pages. Below are some Key Dates and additional references for your reference.
Key dates
February 3, 2024 – City of Calgary info session in Ward 1
February 23, 2024 – Deadline for online feedback at
March, 2024 – Affected landowners formally notified by mail
April 22, 2024 – Public Hearing meeting of Council. Submit comments or register to speak.
If you currently own an RC-1, RC -1 S or RC-2 property in Westgate keep your eyes peeled in March for the letter being sent out by the City of Calgary alerting you to the proposed zoning change to your property. The city is open to feedback about the blanket zoning change and there a few ways to submit any comments you may have.
Submit Online Feedback to the City Administration team – Due February 23, 2024
Submit comments or sign up to speak at the public hearing on April 22, 2024
Submit Comments to the office of Ward 6 Councillor Pootmans