Free Nordic Skiing

Looking for something to do this Winter? With COVID keeping everyone local, there comes an opportunity to explore our own city. Why not try Nordic Skiing?
Free Nordic skiing (and some places to walk) in Calgary:
- Maple Ridge golf course, South Glenmore park, and Bowness park Nordic trails are maintained by the City of Calgary on a weekly basis
- The City website lists ungroomed parks and areas Nordic skiers are welcome to use (or call 311 for more information)
- Confederation golf course and Canmore park Nordic ski trails are maintained by volunteers from the Foothills Nordic ski club. Ski trails are groomed often, sometimes daily.
- Shaganappi Point golf course at the Shaganappi Point LRT station is open for walking, snowshoeing and Nordic skiing in the winter. Nordic ski trails are maintained by volunteers
with the Shaganappi Nordic Operations Club, are groomed and track set often, daily on weekends when conditions and volunteer levels allow.
General etiquette when around Nordic ski trails:
- Walking on ski trails is not recommended as it damages the trails, increases solar-induced melting, and foot prints get frozen in place which are a hazard to skiers travelling at speed.
- Stay off fragile non-native grasses that are usually marked off with fencing. (Greens and tee boxes.) Why? Snow compaction above non-native grasses prevents decomposition gases along
the ground from escaping through the snow pack. Gases collect in concentrated form, and kill the grass.
Too cold? Think again!
When your body is moving and active outside, you are generating heat. While wearing the right type of clothing (no cotton base layers!) and keeping your feet, hands and face protected from the cold, being outside at most temperatures can be exhilarating and really enjoyable in the winter.
I’ve gone Nordic skiing at Shaganappi in Calgary at -20 and colder with the wind, and have had a fantastic time. I’m usually alone in that urban winter wonderland in those temperatures on the
squeaky-dry snow, which can be surreal.
Volunteers are needed both at Shaganappi and Confederation Park for winter Nordic operations. Go to or if you want to contribute to free winter recreation in Calgary!
Nordic skiing information: or call The Norseman Outdoor Specialists or Lifesport in Calgary.