Guidebook for Great Communities

Are you aware of the city’s new Guidebook for Great Communities? Many Calgarians are unaware of the big changes coming, and the city’s lack of effective engagement with communities has created quite a disconnect. Our fine city has big plans for reform, which will change our neighbourhoods. Communities with single-family homes, in particular, stand to lose to a much higher level of density. Our group is dedicated to preserving treasured architecture and park space, banding together to protect our neighbourhoods.
Various Community Associations have developed more communication materials to assist with understanding the concerns in more detail. There is a website which is being constantly updated with new information, a backgrounder document with lots of facts and details regarding the five key issues embedded in the posters, as well as an email forum you can use to ask for more information.
The Guidebook link:
We have put together a mentorship group of trusted skilled advisors (community volunteers) with experience in key infrastructure areas to support your community questions. Your community association board can also benefit from this support. You can reach them or ask for more information by contacting our email address at:
Our website is:
How you can help:
Council needs to hear from a variety of voices on this issue, and not just the limited audiences it hand-picked to engage with its public consultation efforts. Your voice matters, and our message is stronger when we band together.
Our city has experienced significant change and a multitude of challenges over the past few years. Let’s band together to protect our communities and encourage the council to plan increasing density mindfully and efficiently.
For more information, please reach out to