Our Strength is Our Volunteers!
New volunteers are always welcome. If you are talented or skilled in a specific area and would like to share your talents please contact us.

Events and Programs Sports Miscellaneous
special events committee sports committee volunteer at the casino
help with set up coach a sport crafts
help with clean up help during sport events grant and funding
will organize an event organize a sport Block Watch committee
children events wrap up party for a sport event deliver a route of our Newsletter
teen events rink crew volunteer appreciation committee
adult events soccer / T ball general repairs of hall
senior events shinny hockey small time commitment jobs
family events sports day Other _______________

For volunteer inquires please contact


If you would like to see a group start at the hall please contact info@westgatecommunity.ca.  We will bring your idea forward or better yet come out to a meeting and share your idea first hand.

It is through new ideas that we gain new events for our community to enjoy.  Some examples of ideas brought forward and put in place are: our ladies pot luck dinners, the lego contest and the shinny hockey league.

Sign up to receive information about volunteering opportunities 

Members of the Westgate Community Association can sign up to receive emails about volunteer opportunities. Log into your account.